500 grams of shrimp pancet
1 teaspoon tamarind, dissolved in 50 ml of water
4 grains of lemon cui / chinese (if no change with lime)
4 tbsp water
1 tbsp sugar
1 tsp salt
4 pieces of curly red chili, crushed coarse
2 red onions, mashed rough
1 tablespoon margarine
besihkan waste shrimp heads and back sides. Stir in tamarind solution. Rinse thoroughly.
mix lemon juice, water, sugar, salt, red pepper, and onion mashed. Stir until the sugar dissolves. Enter the shrimp into it. Let stand selama15 minutes.
heat the pan until the shrimp he changed color. Give margarine, stir and continue cooking until shrimp cooked. Lift.